Seaboard Self Storage Solutions In Surrey

Spring Cleaning Time

March 21st has finally arrived for about a week now and spring is officially here, this is a time when many folks start to clean out their homes and cottages to make room for spring and summer decorating. This is also the time when people start to visit their storage lockers for that patio furniture and the BBQ equipment for those weekend get togethers as well as those weekend trips to the family cottage. Spring is one of the busiest times for the public storage industry. This is a time of the year when many kids start returning from school away for the summer and many have furniture and items that should be stored till September when they go back to school in the fall.

Also many families store their winter recreational equipment in their storage lockers for the summer for example skies, snow boards and snow mobiles so as to make room for the summer surf boards, paddle boards and jet skis. Every year many people find themselves purchasing new spring and summer lawn and garden equipment as well as patio furniture and other things to make the spring and summer more fun and enjoyable, but what do you do with the perfectly good furniture from last year? Well don’t have a yard sale as you can store it in your storage locker so when your young children finish school then these items can be recycled for them to start out with.

Here at Seaboard self storage we have many different types of storage units to meet the needs of different individuals be it commercial or residential. In BC we have seen a trend in many professionals going out east to centers like Calgary, Edmonton and Toronto for work for a few years but then coming back and starting over from scratch. With a public storage unit it makes it easy to keep ones belongings short term or long term while the individual sets up shop in a new city and then if they decide to make a permanent move to another province or city then it is just a question of packing up their storage locker and transferring the belongings to that new centre.

We are also seeing a trend in families moving from different international centers and transferring their home contents to storage facilities until they are able to make the move themselves and find the proper living location for their families. Public storage is changing the way we live our lives and it is also giving us more options when it comes to relocating between different cities and countries. Today one can put all of your belongings into storage and go and work somewhere else in the country or world and if the position does not last we all you have to do is move back to your city or province and get your belongings out of storage and find a new home. Public storage is here to stay.